HyperText Markup Language




HTML Reference Sheet


Understanding HTML tags
HTML is the computer language of the web. HTML language includes tags, you must include a beginning <tag> and ending </tag>. 
The beginning <tag> tells the computer what to do and the ending tag </tag> tells the computer to stop doing what you asked.  
Every webpage includes the following tags and text. The title contains the title of your webpage that will show in the title bar of your web pages.  
The body of the html is where the information that you want to show on the web is placed.

Sample, must have HTML code for a webpage

    <title>                </title>

Sample Tags for a webpage



    <title>My First Web Page</title>



    <center><B>Hello there.</B><BR><BR>

    <marquee><font color="red"><font face="Broadway BT">

<font size="7"> My name is            </font></marquee><BR><BR>

<font color="blue"><I>This is my first page!</I>



Sample Tags

<h1>Title of Article</h1>
<img style="margin: 10px; float: left;" alt="keyword" src="images/path/image-name.jpg" width="400" height="350" />
<p>This article builds on <a href="">another article</a> that was previously published.</p>
<p>I really want this text <b>bold</b>.</p>
<h3>Another Subheading</h3>
<p>I really want this text <em>in italics</em>.</p>

Font Tags

Any colors  can be typed in, for example:<font color=”red”> <font color=”blue”> <font color=”yellow”> <font color=”orange”> <font color=”green”> <font color=”purple”>, etc.  Colors also can be a value. For example <font color=”#000000”> is black and  <font color=”#FF0000”> is bright red.
Fonts can be typed in, for example: <font face=”Broadway BT”> or <font face=”Times Roman”>.

The Paragraph Tag

<p>This is a sentence formatted with the HTML paragraph tags.</p>

<p>This will be the beginning of a new paragraph.</p>

Header Tags

<h1>Title of Article</h1>

<p>Introduction paragraph goes here.</p>


<p>A paragraph of text.</p>

<h3>Another Subheading</h3>

<p>A paragraph of text.</p>

Image Tags

<img src="name">

<img style="margin: 10px; float: left;" alt="keyword" src="images/path/image-name.jpg" width="400" height="350" />

The margin attributes allow for 10px (pixels) of space around the image so that text does not bump up into it. The float attribute keeps the image flushed aligned left or right. The alt attribute is for SEO, so use good keywords here. The src is where the image is stored. And width and height are self-explanatory


You can link a file or another URL <a href="URL"></a>
Creates a mailto link <a href="mailto:EMAIL"></a>

Links to another webpage or document.

<b> tag for bold and <em> for italics. Don’t forget to close these tags with </b> and </em>.

<a href="" target=”_blank”>Linked Text Here</a>