
The Joy of Learning

Simulation and gaming, whether computer based or not, can be a powerful tool when used properly and in the right setting. They help students actually experience a system or problem and not just read or hear about it. Computer simulations are especially able to allow students to create and manipulate systems and problems within certain parameters and without the normal constraints of time and space. And besides all that, they are interesting, attract students to learn, and are usually down right fun.

 Areas in which video games may contribute to learning.

Digital literacy Comprehension skills
Recognition of computing terms Comprehension of problem words
  Comprehension of procedures
Recognition of computing operations Comprehension of the game’s instructions
Skills developed via the game Academic skills
Problem-solving strategies in
mathematical games
Improvement in results in mathematics and language
Problem-solving strategies in language games  


Areas of learning in which video games can contribute.

Personal and social development Provide interest and motivation to learn
Maintain attention and concentration
Provide interest and motivation to learn
Maintain attention and concentration
Language and literacy Encourage children to explain what is happening
Use talk to organize, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events
Mathematical development Use everyday words to describe position
Creative development Respond in a variety of ways
Use their imagination in art and design music, and stories
Knowledge and understanding of the world Use early control software to investigate direction and control
Physical development Fine motor control can be developed with the increased refinement in using a mouse for navigation and selecting objects