

Christina Smith






















Reflection............................................................................................................................................................... 3,4


Articles...................................................................................................................................................................... 5


Section 1



Module 1- Lesson Plan using Adult Education Principles-Lesson Plan....................................................................... 6


Section 2



Module 1- What are Learning Styles? ....................................................................................................................... 8

Module 2- Matching Methods to Learning Style-Lesson Plan.................................................................................... 8


                 Reaction Paper-“Exploring Learning Styles”....................................................................................... 13


Module 3- Pioneers and Noted Contributors in Adult Learning................................................................................. 14


                 Reaction Paper-“ Andragogy vs Pedogogy”......................................................................................... 17...................................................................................................................................................................................


                 Reaction Paper-“ Helping students learn how to learn”....................................................................... 19



Section 3



Module 1- Using Need Assessment for Your Classroom.......................................................................................... 25

Module 2- Using Learning Styles Research in the Classroom.................................................................................... 25

Module 3- BLOOM'S TAXONOMY-Lesson Plan................................................................................................ 26

Module 4- Facilitative Skills-Facilitation Theory (The Humanist Approach)............................................................... 29


                  Reaction Paper-“ Facilitation theory in your classroom.”................................................................... 29


Module 5- Using Adult Curriculum Models in the High School Classroom................................................................ 31

Module 6- Setting Performance Objectives for your Classroom Activities................................................................. 34

Module 7- Individualizing the Instructional Development Process-Lesson Plan......................................................... 35

Module 8- Curriculum Design for Adults for possible use in the Schools ................................................................... 37

Module 9- Adult Classroom Management for Possible use in the High School........................................................... 38









Over the course of adult education I have learned how to incorporate some strategies in enhancing student involvement in their decision making for their own learning.  I found the first assignment to be very influential in my approach to student learning.  It was a lot of fun and plan on using that technique with my students and improvement committees.  It really allows for everyone to have an input and making decisions a group effort instead of an individual effort. The assignment got me excited and motivated me to look forward to the rest of the semester of Adult Education.  I believe that this is the excitement and motivation that I am looking for in my classroom from my own students. I know when I have this type of interest the students want to learn. I am so lucky to be teaching the programs Digital Design and Administrative Office Technology at Chiefland High School. I am able to teach a variety of lessons that are unique to each individual student. 

I found that learning about my own learning style and personality was unique to improving my own learning and am looking forward to creating similar lessons in my classroom to improve my student learning in all subjects. Throughout the course we had to post many lessons plans, some were old and some were known.  The final lesson plans that were posted were knew and included many adult learning concepts of Bloom’s Taxonomy and Learning styles applied in each lesson.  This part of the course helped me develop my Curriculum Guide for Digital Design I in my practicum project. I learned over this course to create a lesson plan that fits the needs of our school, Academy National Practices, and techniques in Adult and High School learning. Module 7- Individualizing the Instructional Development Process-Lesson Plan demonstrates how my lessons will be documenting and will be revising the previous lesson submitted at the beginning of this course.

As part of this course I found that most of what was taught was not knew to me and feel that I teach my students with all learning styles in mind. I have become a big fan of Facilitator Learning and by providing students with projects that are unique to each individual.  The course I teach allows me to very flexible to individual students.  I work with students one-on-one providing them immediate feedback giving them the benefit of applying new information.  I use rubrics, self-assessment and students evaluations to help guide students for particular guidelines for self-improvement and gives the students to be more responsible for their own learning. This gives them the opportunity provides students the ability to take learning into their own hands by the next class year when they enroll in a class that is designed as a business.  The business is Digital Design, “A Business That’s Got Class,” it is designed to be very much self-directed learning. Students create their own assignments and document their activities through a timesheet, as well as continued use of rubrics, self-assessments, and student evaluations.  Students also must create portfolios that document all their work over the course of the class, a type of learning log that is more meaningful and useful even after they have graduated.  I believe much of what I teach is learned, but applications of such topics do not become useful to High School students until they actually experience it. High School students tend to always want to know why they are learning something and unlike Adult Learners, lack the experience to be able to apply it to their real life experiences.  Therefore many projects that I create involve current students interests related to their career, educations and real work place skills.  These lessons must apply to them personally if I want to create the enthusiasm and motivation for them to want to learn more.














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Websites that were important during the course of Adult Learning.


Improving Learning and Teaching


Technology Research in Adult Education

Provides a link to many Blended Learning and Technology Integration Research and Resources


Learning Strategies Database

Provides links to different types of learning strategies.


Theory in Action Learning Styles

Understanding your own Learning Styles


Learning Styles testing Websites

Jung Typology Test


The VARK Questionnaire

How Do I Learn Best?

Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire




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Section 1


Lesson Plan using Adult Education Principles


The three major components of adult learning are:


Using the three major components of adult learning I create lesson plans that is differentiated among all types of learners. The following lesson plan I created is based on each individual. It is unique to each student. It is self-directed because the student chooses their topic, it integrates skills of old and new, and is problem centered with trying for find useful information to create a four-page newsletter. The following is the lesson plan that I have created and have used in previous years.  The students find that it isn’t easy to find information about a topic that is four pages long.  Creativity and resourcefulness is a key to producing a fact-finding newsletter. I have found that providing students with a grading rubric allows students to visualize how their newsletter is graded.

Digital Design I



Create a newsletter of your choice using Microsoft Publisher.


49.01 Identify the skills needed by a digital designer. MA.D.1.4.1, MA.D.1.4.2, VA.E.1.4.2

Reading Strategy

SPS 53.09 Proofread electronically and manually. LA.B.1.4.3





In Microsoft Publisher, choose the publication Newsletter.


You will create a 4-page Newsletter, Newspaper, or Magazine.  It is due Friday, so use your time wisely.

DO not cut and paste text, use your own words.


1. A newsletter all about YOU.  You must include past, present and your future. You may include a family tree, family pictures and what your life will be like in 10, 20, and 30 years. Topics can include vacations, homes, states where you lived and even about your classes.

2.  A newspaper about your community you created.  You may include advertisements, classifieds, obituaries, comics, etc.

3. A magazine about your business, include ads and tips on your products.  Remember it has to be 4 pages long. On Monday you will print and grade another student’s newsletter.


Look at the Rubric below; so that it will better help you create your newsletter.







Four pages long 

Three pages long

Two pages long 

One page long


distinctive, eye-catching, clear, easy to read 

somewhat distinctive, clear, easy to read 

not very distinctive, somewhat unclear, moderately readable

not at all distinctive, very unclear, not readable, none


Graphics were used effectively throughout newsletter

Graphics were used for some articles

minimum Graphics were used

no Graphics were used

Text Formatting

clear and easily readable text size and style

mostly clear and easily readable text size and style 

somewhat unclear and moderately easily readable text size and style 

unclear and not easily readable text size and style 

Text Alignment and Hyphenation


all article titles centered, all article text aligned to minimize gaps, appropriate use of hyphenation throughout entire newsletter

most article titles centered, most article text aligned to minimize gaps, appropriate use of hyphenation throughout most of the newsletter

some article titles centered, some article text aligned to minimize gaps, appropriate use of hyphenation throughout some of the newsletter

no attempt to align text or hyphenate words to alleviate gaps


some one-column, some two-column, some three-column articles

some one-column and some two-column articles 

mostly one-column articles

all one-column articles 

Section Breaks

inserted sections breaks when necessary for visual clues

often inserted sections breaks when necessary

inserted sections breaks when not necessary

did not insert section breaks


layout is well organized, gaps only when needed, a lot of content

layout is somewhat organized, content is adequate

layout is organized but very little content, some gaps

minimum layout organization, a lot of gaps, very little content

Spelling and Grammar Check

checked and corrected all errors in spelling and grammar

checked and corrected all but two errors in spelling and grammar

checked and corrected all but three errors in spelling and grammar

had four or more errors in spelling or grammar


used thesaurus to find synonyms throughout

used thesaurus to find synonyms, most often appropriately

used thesaurus to find synonyms, but not always appropriately

did not use thesaurus to find synonyms when appropriate

Drawing Toolbar Applications

creatively used AutoShapes, Lines, or 3-D shapes throughout 

use AutoShapes, Lines, or 3-D shapes, most often appropriately

attempted to use AutoShapes, Lines, or 3-D shapes, but not appropriately

did not use AutoShapes, Lines, or 3-D shapes 

Borders and Shading

creatively used borders or shading to highlight specific articles throughout

used borders or shading to highlight specific articles, most often appropriately

attempted to use borders or shading to highlight specific articles, but not appropriately

did not use borders or shading to highlight specific articles








Assessment:  Student read and grade 4 other newsletters.  The objective of this assessment is to give them other viewpoints and ideas. It also provides me with a newsletter Editor for our high school newsletter next year.


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Section 2


What are Learning Styles?  


My learning style is ESFJ, I am extraverted by 11%, sensing by 12%, feeling 62%, and judging by 33%. My qualitative analysis of your type formula is that I am

· slightly expressed extravert
· slightly expressed sensing personality
· distinctively expressed feeling personality
· moderately expressed judging personality


Career choices are: Management Public, Administration, Hotel & Restaurant Management, Sales/Marketing Specialist, Nursing, Education, and Social Work I have done them all except nursing, but I do nurse family members.

I enjoyed taking this analysis, the description was very much like me. I will have to agree with the 62% feeling, because I care about everyone. I was not happy about the 33% judgment because I feel no matter what or who a person is, I am not responsible for their actions. People probably annoy me more by their actions.

I took two more assessment tests.  I am very interested learning how my personality reflects my learning style. The links are listed in table below.  I found them to be consistent.  I would have never thought I had a multi-learning style, but now that I think about it I guess I always have been. I am lucky to say my parents taught me well to rely on myself and that I was capable of great things. I do know I love to learn knew things and yes I learn best when teaching others new programs. Learning styles I believe are greatly affected by how we were raised and environment, although we can change our learning styles by our own motivation and determination to better ourselves.

There are many learning styles and everyone needs to find what works best.  As we become adults we find what works for us.  In children we must help them find what works best for them.   I think having such test like these will help them learn about themselves.  Here is a quote you probably know all to well or at least have seen it somewhere. True to almost every learner.

How We Learn

10% of what we READ

20% of what we HEAR

30% of what we SEE

50% of what we SEE and HEAR

70% of what is DISCUSSED with OTHERS


95% of what we TEACH TO SOMEONE ELSE


Although we have our learning styles and our own personality, we must also consider outside sources such as events in a person’s life and the environment they are learning in.  I would have to say that is where my 75% of feeling comes in.  I understand that in my student’s life.

When I create lessons I focus on many variables as a teacher of high school student because it can make student successful or they can fail. On top of all this the teacher must be a motivator for students to want to learn.  I will say that in high school is very much differentiated instruction and it is not easy due to mainstreaming students. It takes a lot of energy to teach that way, but it is worth it.  Not all teachers teach this way. The learning strategies I use may be baby steps, but in the end they learn how to deal with the teachers that don’t.  I give them their own unique way to learn their own strategies.

Learning Styles & Personality

I would have to say on use the first approach to learning styles and instruction, although I do have a predetermined objective. (  The third approach is the easiest.

Online Learning Styles

Personally I love on-line learning, but it is not for everyone. Without personally knowing the students it can be hard to assess their learning ability, much you have to decipher over a period of time or assignments. Unlike teaching high school students we usually have background information about them.  If a student need the direct instructions of a teacher on-line courses are not for you.  It also would depend on the subject being taught. Every time we take another MA course we have to adapt to the lesson, Blackboard (LOL), or instructor. You truly have to find your own learning styles and those who have are successful with on-line classes and those that can’t get help or might not try it again. Student’s knowledge of computers will also affect their on-line approach. Visual learners do very well, kinesthetic learners will not.

Adult Learning Styles

In high school they want to be facilitators. To learn as adults do. Such as self directed, rich in resources, need, immediate application, problem-centered, mutual, self-diagnosis, and in sequence.  I am fortunate to teach Graphic Arts then Geometry.  When any students are made to take a required course their learning styles may be quite different.  If you teach a course they do not like we must make it relevant to them and then in turn will affect the most of their learning styles to want to learn and learn more.  That is why many student fail because in high school they don’t see a need. Adults see more in their future and know that whether they like it or not, it is an obligation to fulfill the final destination of a career.  Many students live in the now, and need more relevance to their learning so they may develop an adult learning style of their own.

I think because of the past years of teaching schools have not accomplished relevance, so many adults are just learning and going back to school.  Patience is needed with both students and adults.  Adults will probably need as much help as high school students do to develop their own learning style.

Jung Typology Test


The VARK Questionnaire

How Do I Learn Best?

Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire

  • My personality is slightly expressed extravert (external Contact, 11%)
  • slightly expressed sensing personality (Concrete learning experiences, Relies on inner voice, 12%)
  • distinctively expressed feeling personality (appreciation for their work, feedback, 75%)
  • distinctively expressed judging personality (Well structured, organized, 67%)

Your scores were:

  • Visual: 4
  • Aural: 5
  • Read/Write: 4
  • Kinesthetic: 3


(Extravert)Active learner 5

Sensing)Sensing learner 5

(Feeling)Visual learner 9

(Judging)In the middle of sequential

and global learner. 1


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Matching Methods to Learning Style


I believe I create lesson plans that reach all the learning styles. The lessons are creative and self-directed toward the interest of the learner.  The following is a lesson plan that includes creating a business and the business documents needed in starting a business.  The documents are the same, but the business they create are very different.

Lesson Plan Designed to Meet Different Learning Styles

It will be taught in the classroom and lab setting.


The lesson plan is designed to meet the needs of many learning styles. I explain the assignment and pass out a rubric and review it so they know what is expected of them.

. Digital Design I


Objective: To learn how to create documents related to a business.

Students will create their own business name, logo, and slogan. You will create a business card, business letterhead and brochure.


52.03 Complete projects using a variety of fonts, sizes, leading, and alignments. LA.B.2.4.4, LA.A.2.4.6, LA.A.2.4.8, LA.A.2.4.5, LA.A.1.4.2, LA.B.2.4.1, LA.B.2.4.2, LA.C.3.4.3, LA.D.2.3.4, HE.B.3.4.3, HE.B.3.4.4, HE.B.3.4.5, SS.B.1.4.5, VA.B.1.3.4

Reading Strategy

SPS 53.09 Proofread electronically and manually. LA.B.1.4.3


  1. Create your own business.
  2. Create your own logo using Paint or Macromedia Fireworks.
  3. Using Microsoft Publisher you will create a business card, business letterhead, brochure, and newspaper ad.


Time: It is a week to two week lesson, depending on student involvement and interest in.  Lower level students do a two page newsletter because it takes them longer to think and type, but they work just as hard.


Assessment: Students must grade 4 other businesses using the rubric below. It is similar to reciprocal teaching.  Students always question why they are grading some one else’s paper, I tell them they get knew ideas from other people and expand their background knowledge.  They also learn writing, proofreading and communication skills.  This helps me on reading so much, yet I am still the one that gives them their grade. I usually have them grade themselves to see if it is consistent with what others say.  Usually students are very honest with their grade.



The  auditory learner seems to not know what type of business to create and have to be coaxed through one on one discussion on business ideas and interest.

The visual learner grasps a vision right from the beginning and starts work.

This lesson brings out the kinesthetic learning in all of them, but the ones that are in need suggestions in a descriptive manner that they understand by hearing or visualizing.

Most students love the hands on and the lessons that surround their own personal and individual interests.


Students by this time feel very comfortable with sharing their ideas, they also help each other to show teamwork and support. There is no wrong answer on creating a business. I did have to tell students upfront it must be an appropriate business and has to be approved by me.

This lesson also gives students opportunities to work on family businesses that they can use.



Student Name______________________________________________________  Initial of Grader______________


Circle appropriate grade

Write score

(due Monday, 1/24) Worth 25 PTS

Name of Business:_________________________Slogan:___________________________________


Must have done it on a timely basis.

How well does the name, slogan and logo fit with the business of their choice?

























Business Card (due Wednesday, 1/26) Worth 25 PTS

Business Letterhead (due Friday, 1/26) Worth 25 PTS

Business Brochure  (due Friday, 2/2) Worth 25 PTS


Circle appropriate grade


Circle appropriate grade


Circle appropriate grade



Count Spelling errors and subtract from

1=more than 15 errors

2=less than 15 errors


3=less than 10 errors

4=less than 5 errors

5=no errors


































White space

1=more than ½ is white space

2=a ½  of Business card is white space


3=a ¼  of Business card is white space

4=a very small amount of white space

5=no white space


































Color coordinates

1=too much color on background, overuse of color

2=too much of one color and more color than should be used


3=too much of one color

4=Over use of one color

5=Great use of colors, just enough color


































Quality of Design

1=need to redo the whole thing

2=should change more than ½ of the design


3=should change more than a ¼ of the design

4=should change a few things

5=Would not change a thing.


































Used time wisely

1=wasted time

2=Worked ¼ played ¾ of the times


3=Worked ½ played ½

4=Did not spend as much time as they should have

5=Worked consistently


































Business Name Total Points























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In reading Learning Styles Can Become Learning Strategies I agree with McKeachie that teachers do not vary their teaching methods. Teachers need to grab the learner’s attention, although very few may learn from more traditional methods all students would prefer a fun way to learn. You can adapt to each particular student, but it takes a lot more time to do this. You must learn other techniques such as different types of assessments. Teaching strategies of other learning styles after they have gained some learning competencies. As McKeachie states that prior knowledge, intelligence, and motivation are all essential characteristics that are learnable.

I agree so much with this article. I teach enough for student to want to be motivated to learn more. I find a key to motivation is more one on one. Making the environment comfortable, allowing the students to be comfortable talking and asking questions about the unknown. A teacher is a key to students to learn using their own styles and I begin to teach the personal learning competencies. If students can relate lessons to them they will want to learn more

In reading Exploring Learning Styles and Instruction it stresses varying teaching strategies and promotes students learning. Learning styles are effected by heir learning environment, the cognitive, context, and content of learning, interaction, characteristics, physiological behaviors, instructional methods, and whether they are kinesthetic/tactual, auditory, or visual learner. It lists all the ways that can affect student learning.


I agree with what Hood and many others state about student learning. As a teacher I know I have to get to know my students one on one to begin to asses their learning styles and relate activities that are geared to them personally. I like the fact that allowing the students to learn what their learning styles are they would obtain the knowledge of why some teachers teach the way they do and why people are the way we are. I believe it is not just learning styles but how people get along and interact. This activity can be used in any classroom and I plan on created a lesson on this in my current curriculum. I think lessons like this take away from some lessons, but in the run students will have learned how to learn more about themselves and the subjects being taught, it is a win-win situation. Teachers should be given workshops on this technique, not just say you need to differentiate instruction. Teachers need to learn as well as teachers.

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Pioneers and Noted Contributors in Adult Learning          




We all have innovators, Pace Setters, Middle Majority, and the Laggards. I agree with Houle's classification system. I could almost give each category a grade of A, B, C, and D and F. We can probably look at our students after a week of school and know who they are and what grade they will get. I do have students that should be in higher categories if they cared about school at all, but so many students are happy to get a D, when they really aren't giving what their are capable of. Give them a paid job and their category does change. So I would like to expand on Cynthia's lesson for next year.


·        I would have students define each.

·        I would have students then look up the correct definition.

·        Then they would define each other and why. It would be done unanimously and turned in. I would then read them to ensure tit was not done in bad taste or graded in meanness instead of being objective and pass the back to each student for their reaction paper of what they think their peers classified them as, why or why not.

·        Then we would do a lesson on personality and learning styles. The basis for the section of this lesson leads to what type of job.

·        Then we will look at jobs they want and classify them in categories, they won't find many laggards.
Then tell me who you want to be and what do you need to make it happen.


So many times the student just doesn't care about school, just a D, but give them a paid job and they are not classified the same. Have you ever had a laggard come back to you years after teaching, Wow they aren’t a laggard anymore. They do regret not doing more in school.


My method I prefer to use are pre and post tests to determine a gap analysis of my students. This helps me to find out how many remember what they learned last year and upcoming lessons, it was suppose to prepare them for this year. It is more difficult when you have two teachers teaching the same subject and the teachers teach differently, the learning curve can be quite different. I do have them work on other projects so they do not have to repeat a skill that they have mastered. I prefer one teacher teaching the subject, the gap is more consistent.


I am able to bring in multiple career skills through my program. Students choose to learn software related to their career in fashion designing, architecture, gaming etc. I believe whatever their career choice is I can relate to computers somehow, even a nurse or chef, student’s research jobs and pay. After they have tried software they get some hands on experience to drive them further in their career or allow them to want to change their paths before they get to far in their path. It is kind of like going through four years of college only to find you did not like your choice. Lets make good choices now. I stress careers and education, or a skill because the future will rely on you to make a lot of money to live and support a family. I give them my real life example of being divorced and raising three kids by myself. I tell them what I once thought my life would be is nothing like it. I think most of them listen to me. Others are still in fantasyland or were raised to believe that.


I have learned to use this more because the students do more work and learn. I tell them in general what to create, with guidelines and rubrics and relate it to a topic. For example, create a career brochure of your choice, I set policies such as topic has to be approved by teacher, type and font and even number of graphics. They research their topic and present in a career brochure. It is then relevant to them. They also pick their own topics when creating newsletters, family calendars, and creating a business etc. If my students had to do all the same topic and identical products, they would cheat and not learn about other areas, which many books do. They also grade others work to learn about other topic or do a presentation, then the students are teaching the class. They even have to make up test and grade them. It can be so much easier on a teacher. I have learned I don't have to grade that much or I grade them right then with immediate feedback, which has a better impact on learning then waiting to hand back papers a week later and they throw them away without looking at them.

One time I even asked the students what do you want to do this week, they came up with writing an animated children’s book using PowerPoint, 100-98% are very active in learning because they made a decision in the classroom.


Helping students change can happen when there is a positive role model and to care about the students. I do take into consideration for birthdays, bad days and other tests the same day when i schedule tests or other activities. I think they appreciate that you care about them, you might be the only one. That is why an educator can change the life of a child and we our rewards are intrinsic. Our intrinsic rewards come from the students’ transformations.


I believe it is important for student to understand expectation of the teacher and from them. I have used goal setting and self-assessments as a learning contract. If I had one at home I would post it, but I will find another place to post it if you want to use it. In this type of learning contract students set a goal on Monday for what their project is or what they want to learn. For example "I will read three chapters in Macromedia Flash" On Friday they answer question related to their goals, they explain if they meet their goal, why or why not, how can they improve, what did they learn which are fill in the blank. They also rate themselves in 10 categories, starting on time, on task all the time etc. That is the grade they get, unless I see otherwise and I meet with them.
Because my student work on different projects this makes it easier to give them a grade for every different type of project or learning. I also use time sheets and their pay is their grade based on minutes worked.

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Andragogy vs Pedagogy


As teachers we have to first look at whether we are going to teach adults or adolescents. Then we must know the difference between the Andragogy vs Pedagogy learner, how they learn, and what we can do to allow them to better learners.  The andragogy or adult learner differs in age from 21-100 and the pedagogy or adolescent learner is from age 12-20.  They all learn differently by what age they are ready to learn. I believe you can apply similar principles to both type of learner by assessing each student. If you get to know your student you will then understand the learner, then you need to assess how you will teach them. There are more to learners no matter what age, but lets start simple with the five basic characteristics of just adults and adolescents.

The five different basic characteristics of adult learners are the demands of learning, the role of the instructor, life experiences, purpose for learning, and the permanence of learning. Each characteristic is unique to adult and adolescents because of their age. With the demands of learning for an adult they must balance family, home, job and education. The adolescent in most cases have more time to meet the demands of learning with very little responsibilities. The role of the instructor is different with both learners.  The adult learner is more self-directed because they want to learn.  The adolescent on the other has to be guided on what they need to learn.  As we experience life changes so does the way we connect our learning to learn more. Adolescents use base knowledge that they have to be shown how it connects to real experience. Adults use their real life experience to become better learners. The purpose for learning for adults is the fact that they are goal oriented to take a course where adolescents have no purpose for taking certain courses. The final characteristic is the permanence of learning. For adults the reason for wanting to take courses allows the reasoning to

maintain what was learned. For adolescents they see no use for learning and lose the knowledge quicker.  I have observed many of those characteristics in my CTE students

 My CTE students that I teach are 15 to 19 years of age. They are considered the pedagogy or adolescents. The characteristics of adolescents are common among the students I teach. The most successful students have more common characteristics of an adult learner. These students are goal oriented and self-directed to be successful in school. Most students do however have the common adolescent characteristic.  I believe that my role as an instructor must motivate them to be adult learners by giving them real hands on learning activities and experiences.  Students do have to balance part of their life.  I work with all students to balance their life through peer pressure and family problems by being not only their instructor but also their mentor. I then can create a self-directed environment that allows students to design projects that are relevant to them and giving them experience to apply it to real life.

I modify my techniques to support the students who demonstrate adult characteristics that support the use of andragogy to enhance the facilitation of learning. These techniques include being a facilitator though the project of their choice.  Students choose what they are interested in learning.  Once I know what they want to learn I motivate them by asking what software would they need and get it for them. They can’t wait to get to my classroom. By giving my students choices they are given a purpose for learning, they know what they want to learn from experience, they become self-directed, set goals and meet the demands of learning.  I also believe it is important for students to understand expectation of the teacher and from them. I have used goal setting and self- assessments as a learning contract. In this type of learning contract students set a goal

or goals every week based what their project is or what they want to learn for that week. For example "I will read three chapters in Macromedia Flash".  On Friday they answer question related to their goals, they explain if they meet their goal, why or why not, how can they improve, what did they learn which are fill in the blank. They also assess themselves in 10 categories, starting on time, staying on task all the time etc. That is the grade they get, unless I see otherwise and I meet with them. Because my students work on different projects this makes it easier for me to give them a grade for every different type of project or learning. I also include a timesheet they have to fill out for time worked on projects.  Their pay is their grade based on minutes worked and they learn how to manage their time.

In conclusion we have to find ways to teach our adolescent learners to become adult learners.  It is a lesson that is not included in our student performance standards, but as more teachers become aware of the differences the more we can make a difference in how our students learn. What students learn in my classroom is priceless.



Green, J. (1998). Andragogy: Teaching adults. In  B. Hoffman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Technology. Retrieved June 7, 2007, from



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Digital Design

Helping students learn how to learn.

In today’s educational setting we need to make some changes and I believe that there are many teachers that make changes, but some do not.  As professionals we need to teach students to learn real workplace skills, learn to develop their learning styles and apply what they are learning.  Teachers also need to motivate all students to want to learn by creating a personal interest in their students and promote a positive learning environment. With all this in mind you must also have the knowledge and the skills to teach the content of your subject area. I believe the evaluating administrator should address these attitudes and skills needed by a teacher more  carefully and implement such strategies to provide more professional development based on each individual.  Most administrators know who needs improvement and that our students can’t improve if no one is improving the teacher. That is where the change needs to take place, until then we will have great teachers, the ones that work endless hours mentoring, teaching, and learning themselves; the good teachers that do a great job, but go home when the day is done; and the poor teachers, the ones that are just considered a warm body to fill a space. The “system” as we call it should support student-learning needs by beginning with the teachers. I highly believe it is up to administration to approach this problem for your students within your school to be successful and show an increase in student performance. Quality education should also mean a student should receive an equal and quality education.  Today’s society is so afraid of discrimination Laws and Affirmative Action (The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission), that students are the one’s that are truly not receiving a quality education and it does affect their lives and our global economy.   With this in mind I choose to be a great teacher and know that I can improve upon my own teaching abilities. The following information is what I have done in creating a curriculum from the FLDOE Digital Design Program and includes what I want to change next year to help improve students learning.

I have designed our Digital Design curriculum around a digital design and printing business.  I can do that because of my previous experience of working in the business world which  provides me the leading edge on creating a workplace educational setting. The sequence of courses the students take are Computing for College and Careers, Digital Design I and Digital Design 2. In addition to our Digital Design Program we will be offering an Academy of Graphic Arts, which includes an additional course of Digital Design 3. This Academy is new this upcoming year.  Through either coursework students are able to take Digital Design 4, 5, 6, and 7.

Computing for College and Careers

Students learn the necessary workplace skills to compete in the real world and/or to continue pursuing their education, it is a recommended course for all students, but it is currently not required. Students learn keyboarding, IC 3 (Computer Basics), Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, letter, memos, and report writing skills. IC 3 is added on for next year’s coursework and as part of the Academy, those student will be IC3 Certified.

Digital Design I

Students taking Digital Design I first learn how to use Microsoft Publisher, HTML, Microsoft FrontPage and Macromedia Fireworks (a graphic program). This takes up the majority of the first semester.  During that time they create a PowerPoint Learning Log and update what they have learned and the designs that they have created on a daily basis. The second semester student learn how to create framed WebPages in which their first project is to create a WebPage Portfolio.  Within this portfolio they hyperlink their first semester PowerPoint Learning Log and then the WebPage Portfolio  becomes their learning log for the rest of their remaining assignments and projects they have to complete in this class. What makes this class unique is the student’s choices are individually unique and relevant. Projects include a family Christmas calendar, a newsletter all about them, and creating a business. In creating a business they must create a logo, slogan and business documents such as business cards, brochures, newspaper ads, commercial, and a website. Business ideas include fashion designing, real estate, gaming, desktop publisher, ice cream shop, Veterinarian, doggie day care, auto body shop, hunting and many more.  Everything correlates with their interests and allows the student to think about their future. Students also learn many aspects of  business demographics, need, and purpose. Another project included creating a community through a website. Students learned many aspects of how the makeup of a community is important to where they live. The final project included a job search, writing a letter of application and resume. I have taught job search skills to 9th graders in the past and I found that 10th graders have a more relevant need. This was demonstrated by the resumes needed by students applying for a real job. Two students received jobs that I know of so far, one is writing for the local newspaper and one works for a video store. I work very closely with our Cooperative Diversified Education teacher to find qualified students that have been through my program. During the course they are to link all their projects to their WebPage Portfolio. Students then must save their file and burn it to a CD to keep for their own personal and career applications.  I do this because it documents their work that might be needed for obtaining a job or attending a college.

Next year I have the opportunity to finally order books to help with student learning.  The past 8 years I have taught with the Internet as my guide.  What I like about the books is that it will cover necessary material that I may have overlooked in the past and provide me with already made pre-test and post-tests.  I do stay away from books where students create the same identical projects.  I like the idea of the diversity of the various projects.  Each project will be relevant to each individual student.

Next year, I will have to continue with the Microsoft Office Suite, where the first year course left off, so that we may provide students in the Academy to sit for the Microsoft Office Specialist Certification.  I do this because Microsoft Software provides students the background knowledge to learn more difficult programs no matter what field you are in, it is a necessary workplace skill. The skills learned intertwine with many graphic designing occupations that include fashion designing, architecture, desktop publishers, gaming design etc. The possibilities are endless if you know how to use computers and the various types of software applications.

Next year I will also add more multi-media concepts in designing, actually I believe part of the course given a different number could be considered a performing art credit art. I am looking into it so that it might fill a void where students may not want to recieve a credit in band or drama. I am always thinking of ways to integrate curriculum and school improvement objectives, that best benefit our students, as well as get them excited about school. Of course with the new STAR performance I will include more pre-tests and post-tests to document student performance and find ways to increase their performance, along with FCAT scores.

Digital Design 2

Students taking Digital Design 2 begin to learn more advanced software applications such as Macromedia Flash, and Dreamweaver.  After that they are ready for being part of the Digital Design Business, “A Business that’s Got Class”. In this course I created a business plan as a guideline for students doing their work independently in any area of computers and a graphic designing career. Students fill out timesheets, set weekly goals and assess and evaluate whether they meet their goals, why not, how can they improve, and grade themselves on criteria such as starting on time, staying on task etc. Much of what we do in the Digital Design Business is to create documents and presentations for our school, such as the Baccalaureate, Graduation, Football and Award Night programs.  Students also create the high school webpage located at and a monthly newsletter. I always have many volunteers for job assignments because students have an interest in doing a great job for their school and themselves. We even have had student created WebPages for local community members.

 Students then choose software related to their careers such as fashion designing, architecture, or computer programming for the gaming industry. I believe computers and software program’s touch on all careers and students can learn and experiment with the software they will most likely use.  This course is designed as a real life business students will also learn customer service, marketing, business ethics, organizational skills, communications skills, teamwork, and time management skills etc.

Next year my plans are for student to learn Macromedia Suite and the Adobe Suite.  The Academy of Graphic Art students will become certified in both program suites.  I would prefer to teach Adobe first, but due to the limitation of my current computers the software requires better equipment and look forward to a computer lab upgrade after we receive our second year Academy grant money.

Digital Design 3

This class is included in the Digital Design business. Students fill out timesheets, set weekly goals and assess an evaluate whether they meet their goals, why not, how can they improve, and grade themselves on criteria such as starting on time, staying on task etc. Much of what we do in the Digital Design Business is to create documents and presentations for our school and there are many projects.  These particular students can be placed in different class periods, which provides help with teaching and various other projects for the school and our community.

Next year I would like these students to do internships, job shadowing, find guest speakers, and make business contacts. This course is designed as a real life business to teach customer service, marketing, business ethics, organizational skills, communications skills, teamwork skills, and time management skills etc.

Academy of Graphic Arts

            With new legislature requiring all schools to have at least one Academy and without changing our entire school, it was appropriate to create an Academy of Graphic Arts (FLDOE). As Program Director the process to create this Academy takes a lot of work.  The key components to any Academy are funding, coursework that allow students to be eligible for Bright Futures and Gold Seal Scholarship, scheduling to maintain a class Co-hort, Advisory Board that includes local businesses, and to provide students with industry certifications. In developing the curriculum it is important to integrate our program with an academic core subject.  Our Academy has incorporated with our Language Arts Department. The coursework is rigorous, it demonstrates a relationship and promotes relevance to workplace skills. To reach all students and provide the rigor of an Academy I want to start the program with a lesson where students assess and develop their own learning styles to help them be successful in the program.  By providing students with self-awareness you provide them with their own tools to understand their strengths and weaknesses to be a better learner and a better adult worker (Implementing Learning-How-to-Learn Strategies).

            In conclusion I plan on making improvements with my own teaching and student learning.  I have placed the importance of rigor, relevance and relationships that is geared to each student’s learning style. I have applied the ten basic characteristics of adult learners to high school learning applications realistically to make them better adult learners[1] (Dr. Gary Kuhne for "ADTED 460 - Introduction to Adult Education).  This coming year I will provide my students an insight with the tools to learn and develop more of their own learning styles.  As I move forward in graduating with my MA in Career and Technical Education and pursue an administrative position only then can I make the changes needed for all students to learn by working with the teachers that need to learn as much as the students that we teach need to learn.


Florida Department of Education, Career Academies, Today’s Students, Tomorrow’s Workforce,


Florida Department of Education, Curriculum Frameworks-Digital Design, June 2007,


Giese, Ann, Implementing Learning-How-to-Learn Strategies, June 2006,



Kuhne, Dr. Gary, "ADTED 460 - Introduction to Adult Education”, Penn States’s World Campus,


U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Laws,

May 31, 2007,

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Section 3


Module 1- Using Need Assessment for Your Classroom.  


We are currently doing this with our new Academy of Graphic Arts. For our school having everyone work together has created and supported the concept of the triangulation method. It depends on the class. For my Digital Design I class we have our 10th grade English teacher, myself, and local business members of our Academy Advisory board that reviews lessons to be taught. We are working on creating lesson plans that are will be taught by the same business leaders. A collaboration of many is involved. It has worked better than I thought. This method can work when everyone works so well. I think it is great to have businesses work with the teachers that have never worked in the industry. But for me I came from industry with a wide array of business experience including owning my own business. It has been difficult to keep that concept separate, A matter of fact many businesses come to me for advice. I have to remember most teachers need that for teaching their students.

My practicum will demonstrate this concept and document projects that are integrated with the help of using the triangulation method.

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Module 2- Using Learning Styles Research in the Classroom


I believe I use all the learning styles in my class already, that I would have to say that I want to start off the year similar to the course, similar first activity and then let the student find out what their learning styles and personalities are. Students will then use this a guide to use the learning style that helps them the most and what ones they need to work on. I want to do this at the end of the year and the following and compare data because I have seen students learning styles change over a three-year period and I want them to see the change. If their change motivates me their self-awareness will motivate them as well. It will help in all their classes as well       

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Module 3- BLOOM'S TAXONOMY          


Bloom’s Taxonomy are key elements to teaching higher learning skills.  Through our Academy I have included each level to be incorporated in our lesson plans to demonstrate the Bloom’s Taxonomy skills being taught. I am including a lesson plan that our team worked on for our Academy of Graphic Arts and is included in my Practicum Project.. It is a lesson plan template we will be using for our projects. The lessons will include Bloom's Taxonomy and learning styles on all lessons. I created a database to provide easy access in created such lesson plans to fit the National Best Practices for Academies.

FCAT Benchmarks

Topic/Project Focus




Bloom’s Taxonomy Level








Objectives-What do you want your students to learn?


 Students will research and design a brochure about a career of their choice. Each student will report their findings in a brochure and in an oral presentation.









Description of Learning Activity/Lesson:


Students will have 5 days in Digital Design class and 3 days in the Language Arts with researching 2 days in the library.


Time Frame:

 Approx. 10 days


Student Performance Standards








52.03      Complete projects using a variety of fonts, sizes, leading, and alignments. LA.B.2.4.4, LA.A.2.4.6, LA.A.2.4.8, LA.A.2.4.5, LA.A.1.4.2, LA.B.2.4.1, LA.B.2.4.2, LA.C.3.4.3, LA.D.2.3.4, HE.B.3.4.3, HE.B.3. 4.4, HE.B.3.4.5, SS.B.1.4.5, VA.B.1.3.4

53.09                       Proofread electronically and manually.






Sunshine State Standards






LA.A.2.4.6      select and use appropriate study and research skills and tools according to the type of information being gathered or organized, including almanacs, government publications, microfiche, news sources, and information services.

LA.A.2.4.8      synthesize information from multiple sources to draw conclusions.

LA.A.2.4.5      identify devices of persuasion and methods of appeal and their effectiveness.

LA.A.1.4.2      select and use strategies to understand words and text, and to make and confirm inferences from what is read, including interpreting diagrams, graphs, and statistical illustrations.

LA.B.2.4.4       Select and use appropriate speaking, listening, and viewing skills to clarify and interpret meaning in both formal and informal

LA.B.2.4.2 organize information using appropriate systems.


use details, illustrations, analogies, and visual aids to make oral presentations that inform, persuade, or entertain.












SS.B.1.4.5 SS.B.1.4.5 understands how various factors affect people’s mental maps.







 HE.B.3.4.3      know positive strategies for expressing needs, wants, and feelings.

HE.B.3.4.4       know skills for communicating effectively with family, friends, and others.

HE.B.3.4.5       know strategies for solving interpersonal conflicts without harming self and others (e.g., peer mediation skills).



VA.D.1.4.3      know the difference between the intentions of artists in the creation of original works and the intentions of those who appropriate and parody those works.




Assessment:  Rubrics are provided for brochure and Oral Presentation.





  3.1 Information Manager

3.2 Effective Communicator

3.3 Numeric Problem Solver

3.4 Creative-Critical Thinker

3.5 Responsible Worker

3.6 Resource Manager

3.7 Systems Manager

3.8 Cooperative Worker

3.9 Effective Leader

3.10 Multi-culturally Sensitive Citizen

Resources Needed: Microsoft Office Publisher, Internet, Keyboarding, computer, research skills, proofreading skills, and works cited.

Learning Styles:


Visual-reading interactive technology through the Internet and other resources. Read final expectatios.

Auditory-listening to directions and oral presentations and help with programs and layout. Listen to final ouycome expectations.

Kinesthetic and tactile-on-hand research ,computer use and software manipulation. Apply final outcome expectations.


Reading Strategies: Evaluating Reading….Research…Silent Reading-Notetaking

DD1-SPS       53.09 Proofread electronically and manually.

LA.B.1.4.3       produce final documents that have been edited for

           correct spelling;

           correct punctuation, including commas, colons, and common use of semicolons;

           correct capitalization;

           correct sentence formation;

           correct instances of possessives, subject/verb agreement, instances of noun/pronoun agreement, and the intentional use of fragments for effect; and

           correct formatting that appeals to readers, including appropriate use of a variety of graphics, tables, charts, and illustrations in both standard and innovative forms.



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Module 4- Facilitative Skills-Facilitation Theory (The Humanist Approach)       




Digital Design

Facilitation theory in your classroom.


My approach to facilitative learning has helped students learn more by allowing them to feel comfortable by bringing and sharing ideas with the classroom.  The fact that my lessons rely on individual needs and wants related to their career or college opportunities as well as learning real work place skills.  I agree with Carl Rogers’s theory in that my students have an eagerness to learn because the learning relates to them applying on-hands application to their personal interest and to pursue their dreams. Although students sometimes are resistance to there own imagination.  I must guide them in searching what is near and dear to their heart for their future. In some cases many students change their idea in mid-stream and in turn are given the opportunity as long as the assignment is handed in on a timely basis. With this in mind it is significant to give students such opportunities to find a better concept of oneself and discovering more about themselves. I truly love what I teach and feel that I am able to diversify and differentiate individual learning and learning styles, along with unique ideas and creativity for each and everyone.

            The subject that I teach is Digital Design, a computer course that is designed to teach students computer programs such as Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft FrontPage, HTML, Macromedia Flash, Dreamweaver, and Fireworks.  The application of the software is the same and therefore I present an overview of what an application can do, the basics you could say. I let them know of the endless possibilities of each software application.  In turn when a student gets to a part that they want to learn, I guide them through the process individually.  They seem to learn better when I teach them one on one rather then instruct the class as a whole.  It is a lot more work, but I love it when they want to learn and do more.  They retain the steps better as well.  They in turn become experts in the particular application and help in teaching it to other students.  I find that students listen when then want to listen and lecturing does not facilitate learning styles that are on-hand applications. I am very lucky to be able to teach computer applications and can vary my lessons.  Students work on all types of assignments using the same computer applications.  I make students vary aware that if they have assignments in other classes that are computer related they can complete those activities in my class in place of an assignment I have given them.  This helps them become more interested in other subjects as well as using their computer skills learned in my class. I am here to guide them in how to apply what applications they have learned. I feel any project, as long as it is computer related applies to my classroom.  Their grade is then based on what the other teacher gives them and they must turn in the assignment to me as well. With technology growing many teachers require that students use many software applications, such as Word, PowerPoint, or Publisher to complete assignments and what better way to enhance learning by providing them the opportunity to use a computer application course to enhance such products.

As learners in my classroom, they love the flexibility and my willingness to work with them in other subjects. This provides them the ability to take responsibility for their own learning and to make choices. Whether it is an assignment I assign or another teacher, students are eager to work on computers. As a facilitator the learning the learner must also know you are always there. I do this by walking around the room constantly and helping them with suggestive ideas on how to make their products better.  When the facilitator shows interest so does the student.  A facilitator cannot sit behind their desk or the learning will not feel you care about their learning and get sidetracked to searching the Internet for games. Games are a reward when the learner has reached their goal of each assignment.

Learning to be a facilitator has not been easy, but with practice it benefits the students and the teacher.  I have learned that sometimes asking the student what they want to learn next is valuable and students come up with great learning activities.  An example:  I had to go to a conference for three days and it is not possible for a substitute teacher to teach one of my lessons, so they must apply their skills in creating a project.  The project the students came up with was to create an animated children’s story using Microsoft PowerPoint.  They had fun with it and were able to create great stories that I shared over the Internet and have posted it to my professional portfolio. I have an advantage as a facilitator to post individual projects on our website and find that students really like to share them with the world, parents and friends.

            I love my job and the endless possibilities that students can create on their own.  Students need guidance, but feel each one is unique and should be treated as such.  Such openness in my classroom allows the learner to expand their needs and ideas.  No one is afraid to open up and create a classroom atmosphere that is friendly where students are not scared to be themselves.  It is Ok for a student to say they do not feel good or they are having a bad day.  I allow them that, but make them aware that they still have to complete a project on a timely basis.  I believe letting them not be afraid, I get 100% of them wanting to learn more and excel beyond my own beliefs.  I have wonderful students and they know if they need to talk or need help I am there. I am more then a facilitator I am their mentor as well. I want to make a difference in the life of a child, I see them grow and become more responsible and demonstrate their learning from each passing year, inside and outside.  I make a difference that is individual in everyway.


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Module 5- Using Adult Curriculum Models in the High School Classroom          



At Chiefland High School the programs offered are based on our Principal decisions on classroom enrollment.  Leadership for a school depends a lot on whether the Principal has a belief that vocational programs work. In our school from previous reports I have realized that having class numbers does not denote having the programs. That is one reason I like having the requirement for an Academy and will allow our programs to grow.

Once the program is established it is up to the teacher to follow the six basic components to the adult education program planning process.  No matter what courses are taught the Principal does stress these six components throughout our school and have to be documented in our portfolio folder.

The following is represented by our new Academy.  It has been really helpful to have many involved, whereas just the teacher guides other programs. 

Need assessment – identifying the gaps between what is known and what is desired to know.


The first gap is FCAT scores.  They have to be considered when scheduling programs or course work. If a student has remediation in reading it automatically eliminated them to take any CTE program.

To help in FCAT gaps and to help improve student scores, all teachers must prepare a GOALS statement.  It includes getting FCAT score data on each and every student. This helps in diagnosing student’s individual needs. I have realized not all FCAT scores denote the student ability to do well in my class.  I must analyze each student by using self-assessments as a facilitator.  By combining assessments I will be able to intertwine techniques that will help students to do better on the FCAT. 

From there I have created Pre-test and post test to demonstrate increase in student improvement in my classroom.  I think this gives the student a comparison to show that they are learning, as well as being the teacher.  I do work individually with all students to ensure they are grasping the material to be learned.  I believe in correcting a student immediately and grading assignments during class instead of passing back papers a week later.

Content Analysis – Placing the assessed need within the context of the mission/culture of the sponsoring organization, the budget of the unit, and the politics of the external stakeholder groups.


The Academy has stressed this and we have many external business support and other stakeholders. Together we have created a mission statement.  They help with content, internships, job shadowing, and teaching lesson plans themselves. It is nice to have such enthusiasm within our community. We have established an Academy Advisory Board and in in-school Academy team with the English department.  We have created integrated curriculum projects.  Although they are very time consuming. 

Our budget has increased because of a grant and this intern helps increase content of my Digital Design Programs and the English department, especially with the use of technology.

Set Program Objectives – focusing on the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be learned

Our Academy objectives are set by the National Best Practices.  Each teacher through our state performance standards establishes lessons that are taught.  Although there is a discrepancy from school to school based on the fact that the standards are very broad. The Digital Design program can be taught through various methods, programs and hardware.  A budget of a school can set different objectives based on affordable programs and hardware. An example:  One school teaches Digital Design using only Microsoft Publisher, whereas I teach Microsoft Publisher, HTML, FrontPage, and Macromedia.  The test created through the Star Performance exit exam through our consortium of many schools created a test that was too easy for my students because my objectives and final outcome expected a higher learning curve.

I think the fact that I have worked in the business world has set my objectives higher because of my experience.   I want my students to be prepared for work and college.  Whereas objectives for other teachers who have not worked in the business world have different objectives.  Objectives have to be applied to real world skills.

With objectives being taken into consideration, we also need to differentiate learning. The main objectives have to be learned but some go beyond that and we need to meet student’s needs as well.  Differentiated learning is a lot of work, but the outcome is rewarding. I work with each student to meet objectives that meet each students needs.

Our lesson objectives are written on the board daily required by the principal, a great addition for students to be adult learners.  Our school Academy team also works together with projects that link English with Graphic Arts.

My personal objectives for my students are to motivate students to want to learn.  I do this by designing assignments related to each student.

Organize the Learning Activities – Transfer the assessment, content analysis and objectives into intended outcomes for learning.


Intended outcomes for learning are different for each individual student, but there is one intended outcome set that has to be learned, most ESE students reach this level. This is why we differentiate learning.  Although for OCP those students earn Modified OCP points.  The assessments of learning activities are through self-assessments and assessments of other students work.  It is wonderful to hear a student have high expectations of others work.  Out of the mouths of babe and it means more from them then me.  The content from year to year is different because it is build upon from year to year.  I strive to have student prepare to perform duties where they decide what to learn, but they can only do this with the knowledge of previous content, which then guides them in a direction that is interesting and motivating to them personally in their life, career, college, and work.  Students make great decisions when they have the proper tools to guide them and they take an interest in their future.

Select learning Methods – Based upon content/information dissemination and learner attributes such as learning styles.


I will say I am very lucky to be able to work with many learning styles and methods within my classroom.  I am able to combine much academic course work with computers.  For example if a student has to do an ABC book in history I will allow them to do that in place of the travel brochure that I assigned.  I take the grade of the history teacher for their assignment and have a grading rubric for my assignment.  This has helped many learners that have difficulty in school.

I feel that I am at an advantage to most other teachers.  Everyone that teaches must help students having difficulty with a subject and many times that mean teaching them in different ways.  After school tutoring benefits the students the most with individual attention, but many times the student doesn’t take the opportunity.  All teachers are available anytime a student asks.

Evaluation – Determine if learners reached the desired outcomes and improve the program for future use.


I use rubrics, self-assessments and pre- and post- test to reach desired outcomes and improve the program for future use.  I even use tools for students to assess the lessons I teach and how they think I might better improve the lesson. 

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Module 6- Setting Performance Objectives for your Classroom Activities          


I will have to note that I have always written assignments on the board and I found this year by adding the word


objective it made more sense to the student.

Here three of class objectives that I have used in my lesson plans.

1.  Objective:   To learn how to create advanced web pages, creating a portfolio.
You will create a community, you name it and you create what you want in it. Create your web pages using frames in FrontPage.
Students will create a banner webpage, table of contents webpage and target frames using many web pages.
A grading rubric is provided.
2.  Objective:   To learn how to use Microsoft Publisher, scanning images etc. and post to your PowerPoint Learning Log what you learned today.
3.  Objective:  To learn how to use Macromedia Fireworks an image editing program.

My three objectives for this class would be:

1. Objective: To learn about your personality and how it affects your learning style.
2.Objective: You will learn the difference between an adult learner and an adolescent learner.
3.Objective: To find ways to integrate lessons that will help the different learning styles.


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Module 7- Individualizing the Instructional Development Process           


Self-directed Learning Lesson Plan, students learn graphic program and re-teach to the class.




NAME:                       Christina Smith


SUBJECT AREA:      Business-Digital Design I Class


TITLE OF LESSON:  Learning Editing Software Programs


TIME REQUIREMENT: Two weeks                               DATE:            11/7/05                             


RATIONALE:  (What is/are the reason(s) to teach this lesson?)


·         The purpose of the lesson is for students to learn editing software program that they need in producing their business commercials. Software they will need to learn is Ulead Gif Animator, Ulead Video Studio, Microsoft PhotoDraw, and Ulead Photo Impact




OBJECTIVE(S):  (May need to relate to your state’s academic standards.)





20.39     Compare and contrast the software applications used in a digital publishing environment. LA.D.2.4.4, SS.B.4.1

50.0 PERFORM DECISION-MAKING ACTIVITIES—The student will be able to:


50.10     Determine project specifications.  LA.B.1.4.1, LA.B.1.4.2, LA.B.1.4.3



52.14     Produce camera-ready projects.

52.29     Produce documents integrating all elements of design using balance and continuity. LA.B.2.4.4



GROUP STRUCTURE: (How many per group? Roles required? How assigned?)

I will assign 4-5 to a group.  They will be a director, a teacher as a presenter, a teacher that creates the lesson plan, and one or two to be a teacher who prepares activities and tests.  



PROCEDURES: First they would get into their groups


·         Do now (sponge) activity  (To focus students as you prepare for lesson)

I would direct each group to locate the editing software application that was assigned to them, and open it up.


·         Focus:  Attention getter (scenario, question, issue, statistic, etc.)

I would pose fascinating facts regarding the possibilities you can do with each editing software program.


·         Social Skills Focus (What specific social skill are students to practice?)

Social skills would be how to work well together and to communicate their ideas to each other, as well as organizational skills.



·         Academic Task (What are they doing?  What is the application?)

Each team will learn how to use their assigned editing software program. As they are learning the program, they will put together a lesson plan to teach to the entire class. They will present their lesson on their particular editing software program in a PowerPoint presentation and provide activities and tests to the entire class.  They will be the learner and the teacher.



·         Group Processing (How will they identify strategies for improving team performance?)

They will identify strategies for performances of teaching the lesson based on how they learned the editing software program.

They can work separately learning the program and then tying what they learned together or learn together at one computer.

Teams will brainstorm on how they want to present their lesson, what activities to create and to design a test.




ASSESSMENT:  (How do you know what students have learned? How will THEY know?)


Teacher observes, guides and coaches during the learning of their editing software program, brainstorming, and preparing their lesson.

They will know because they will become experts and want to use these programs.  The expert group members now will be able to help other students in the class when they start working on their business commercials, other students will rely on the team that created the lesson.


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Module 8- Curriculum Design for Adults for possible use in the Schools

Module description is outlined below.




The following points need to be considered when creating curriculum for adult learners. Many of these points can and should be used for the educational environment in the high schools. 














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Module 9- Adult Classroom Management for Possible use in the High School   


First and foremost of any classroom is to have classroom rules, policies and procedures.  Student are aware of what is expected.  One I do include is RESPECT and to treat others how you would want to be treated.  Students know up front they feel important and should be treated as such. The rules must be reinforced to show that if the teacher follows their own rules so will the student.

Following Dorothy Billington’s seven characteristics I will compare my classroom and incorporate these factors into the program and my teaching.

An environment where students feel safe and supported, where individual needs and uniqueness are honored, where abilities and life achievements are acknowledged and respected.

I believe praising students for doing a good job acknowledges each students efforts. Using rubrics helps in grading because I can be bias to different types of artwork.  It cannot be graded on my likes or dislikes as long as the objective is being met.  Students also feel they can tell me anything because I demonstrate that I care about them.  Students feel comfortable because I let them work on projects that are individually based and it opens them up to new ideas and they are not afraid to share them.  

I also realize that students may have a bad days just like me and are allowed to faulter to some extent.  Communication is a key to making students feel comfortable and safe. I criticize them in a positive way.  I feel teachers that tell students they will never amount to anything does not provide an environment where a student feels safe and in today’s world students really need someone they can talk to without negativity. 

An environment that fosters intellectual freedom and encourages experimentation and creativity.

Students are creative and work on projects related to each individual interest.  Such as creating a business of their own, a family Christmas calendar, and creating a community of their own.  Each projects pulls from their own interest, ideals, and creativity. I encourage students to really think about their own life and the choices that they can make.

An environment where faculty treats adult students as peers.

Our school promotes students as peers when helping tutor other students.  We also include students on our School Improvement Committee and Academic Advisory Board.  Students in my class become supervisors of the Digital Design Business and they help me a great deal when helping students learn other programs.  As we all know computers change on a daily basis, I especially treat them as peers when they poses knowledge that I have not attained yet.  I do rely on student’s knowledge a great deal.  I think technology is where teachers especially treat students as peers, because they use computers more and many times I send my own students to solve other teachers technology issues.  It is important that students feel that they are important.  I just cannot know everything about technology, software and computer because it changes on a daily basis. 

Self-directed learning, where students take responsibility for their own learning

My class is very much self-directed because each project is different and researching each item is different. They are able to research their own interests and take responsibility. By having self-assessments they grade themselves harder than I would.  I also like to do a sample job evaluation of the work being done from an employer’s standpoint.  Most students do not understand this concept, but knowing the have experienced will help them when they do work in the future.  Some learning is not comprehended by students until they experience it later in life.

Challenging people just beyond their present level of understanding or ability.

Students have to be challenged on a daily basis.  I think by having other students reading their work challenges them to do better because a peer is grading them. Usually I grade a class against another class to eliminate a friendship grade, that seems to work the best in challenging other students ability and therefore they learn what they could have done better. 

I also find that certain software applications are not for everyone so I find one that is one they like because they want to learn more challenges to fit their needs.  For example not all students are into Macromedia Flash and they do not have the gift you could say, they do have to learn the basics, but I will find software or they may use another program that will have the same results.  We all like to use certain programs more than others and the steps to get their may be different, but the results are the same.

Active involvement in learning.


My students are always working on something.  I allow students to work on other projects from other classes as long as it is computer related.   Student who become proficient in certain software or a technique it is reinforced by helping other students.  They become excited when they know how to do something and they get to show someone else.

Regular feedback mechanisms.

There is constant feedback in my classroom by myself or other students. Usually how to do something better or other ideas on how to do something.  Self-assessments on a weekly basis with feedback from me help to keep the student on track. I believe walking around the room constantly looking at student work helps for immediate feedback.  I also grade work during class time because it gives them immediate feedback instead of waiting a week when are passed that assignment.


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[1] Dr. Gary Kuhne, "ADTED 460 - Introduction to Adult Education”, Penn States’s World Campus,