March 8, 2014

Dear Former Graduates of Chiefland High School,

I, Christina Smith, would like to invite you to participate in my research study

“Technology Literacy Skills Needed in Further Education and/or Work: A Delphi Study of High School Graduates Perspectives". 

As a teacher at Chiefland High School and student working on my Career and Technical Educational Specialist Master Thesis working toward my doctoral degree at the University of South Florida. My research is related to technology, specifically what information technology competencies that are necessary in work or in college.

I am contacting you as a person who might be interested in participating in such a study.

Briefly, this is a  Delphi study, which involves the completion of 3 online questionnaires, delivered over the course of 4 weeks. I estimate a total time commitment of not more than 5 hours. Click the link above for more detail of my study.

If you have agree to participate send me your e-mail address or message me on Facebook for the link to my survey. Information provided is confidential and results will not included personal information of any kind.


Please feel free to contact me if you have questions.


Christina L. Smith, MA

University of South Florida
