File Naming Conventions

When creating a Web site (or a Web page), there are a few rules for creating filenames. These rules not only apply to HTML files, but to any file or document that is part of your Web site.
  1. Use lower-case letters in your file names. You may use upper-case letters, but do so sparingly. Uploading files with capitals into WebCT can create problems. Some older browsers do not locate files that are not exactly specified.
  1. Only use numbers and letters in your file names. File names must begin with a letter (not a number). Special characters, except those noted below, should not be used – including #, & and comma. Do not use any spaces within a filename.
  1. Representing spaces within a filename: You may use the underscore (‘_’) character or the dash (‘-‘) character to represent a space in a filename.
  1. File extensions: Use .htm or .html as the file extension when you name your HTML files. Be consistent with the convention you use.