
Copyright refers to laws created to protect the rights of individuals to their materials, for a specified period of time, so that they may obtain commercial benefit from the works and have control over how their works are used. These laws originated in the Constitution of the United States, but have been modified and expanded with subsequent legislation.

Most intellectual works are copyrighted from the moment they are created into a fixed form. There need be no notice or registration of copyright. Illegal copying can result in legal proceedings being brought against those who use information and/or products without permission, including both the individual and the school or university. Because copying information is so easily accomplished, it is important for faculty, staff, and students to become aware of what usages are allowed for education so that responsible choices can be made.

Part 1

Predict the answers to the following questions.

What is Copyright?

Why Should I Care About Copyright?

Which Works Are Protected by Copyright?

Which Works Are Not Protected by Copyright?

Who Owns the Copyright in a Work?

What is Copyright Infringement?

When Do I Need Permission to Copy?

How Do I Obtain Copyright Protection?

When And How Do I Register a Copyright ?

How Long Does Copyright Protection Last?

Part 2 Complete copyright Worksheet

Open the following copyright pdf and answer worksheet questions, here.

Take the copyright quiz as practice. Take notes when you are finish do a print screen and paste in Word then print.

TEST will be given as your assessment so study.

Part 3

Practice copyright test review.


Copyright Quiz